- Section 47(1) of the Sectional Titles Act – An ill conceived notion
– Graham Paddock and Alastair Lomas-Walker - The collection of levies does not constitute an incidental credit agreement in terms of the National Credit Act
– Siveshna Padayachee - M.D. Mitchell v Die Beheerliggaam RNS Mansions Simplifying a compounded issue
– Neil de Goede - Management Rule 64(a) now missing some teeth
– Neil de Goede - Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011
– Siveshna Padayachee - Body corporates claim to the arrear sectional levies. Paddocks Press April 2013
– Siveshna Padayachee - Lomas-Walker Attorneys: Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2 of 2000 Manual
- Lomas-Walker Attorneys: B–BBEE Certificate
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